quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012

The Ecological Alphabet

Hello everybody!!
What's Up?

My students from Inter #1 are studying The Alphabet so today I'm going to talk about it, but in a different way!! Let's learn The Ecological Alphabet?

Avoid waste;
Be on guard to protect the Earth;
Control pollution;
Don't throw garbage in the streets;
Earth, our mother, is precious and sacred;
Forests mustn't be destroyed;
Garbage today, useful things tomorrow;
Help save our planet;
Imagine a cleaner world;
Join us in our fight to save the world;
Keep rivers, oceans, lakes and beaches clean;
Love animals;
Make a difference: protect the environment;
Nature must be respect;
One must be aware of the ecological problem;
Protect the ozone layer;
Quit wasting  and water;
Recycle and reuse;
Say "no"to pollutants;
Take care of the environment;
Use the solar system;
Value the green;
Water should never be polluted;
Xmas trees should be artificial, don't cut down the natural ones;
Yes, let's preserve our home, Earth;
Zero tolerance for ecological criminals.

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