quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2012

Explore the World Trade Center

Take a guided tour of the World Trade Center site in New York and find out about the plans for a memorial, a museum, giant skyscrapers and a massive new station, with narration from Dara McQuillan from developer Silverstein Properties.


quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

Pizza with Teens 4 =D

Hello people! Check these pictures of the Teens 4 students! They made pizzas with different and delicious ingredients!!! Take a look =D

quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012

Independence Day in Brazil

Brazil celebrates it independence from Portugal on September 7th. Dom João VI fled Portugal and established himself in the Rio de Janeiro, where he ruled Portugal's colonies. He remained their helping Brazil open up trade and only returned to Portugal in 1820 because of a revolution seeking to bring out a constitutional monarchy with Dom João VI as the monarch. He returned to Portugal leaving his son, Pedro, as the prince regent of Brazil. For Dom João VI's efforts in Brazil, he was historically called the "Founder of the Brazilian Nationality."